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PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 w/6 Port Hub by Phidgets (1019_1B)

Product Features:

    The 1019_1B is identical to the 1019_1, except that you have the option of whether you want to include the USB cable.The analog inputs are used to measure continuous voltage outputs generated by various sensors such as temperature, humidity, position, or pressureThe Digital Inputs have a Digital Input…
Price as on: 2019-10-31 12:02:50

Product Description

The 1019_1B is identical to the 1019_1, except that you have the option of whether you want to include the USB cable.

Product Features

  • The analog inputs are used to measure continuous voltage outputs generated by various sensors such as temperature, humidity, position, or pressure
  • The Digital Inputs have a Digital Input Hardware Filter to eliminate false triggering from electrical noise. They can be used to convey the state of devices such as push buttons, limit switches, relays, and logic levels
  • Digital Outputs can be used to drive LEDs, solid state relays (such as the 3052 SSR Relay Board), transistors; in fact, anything that will accept a CMOS signal.
  • Connecting additional USB devices to the 1019 is as easy as plugging them into the on-board 6-port hub. Each USB port on the hub has a maximum current supply of 500mA.