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Marvelmind Precise (+-2cm) Indoor “GPS” Starter Set 433 MHz

Product Features:

    MARVELMIND NAVIGATION SYSTEM OVERVIEW Marvelmind Indoor Navigation System designed to provide precise (±2cm) location data to autonomous robots, vehicles (AGV), and copters.It also used to track other objects that the mobile beacon installed on, for example, virtual reality (VR) systems, helmets for construction workers or miners, etc. MARVELMIND STARTER…
Price as on: 2019-12-31 14:50:25

Product Description


Marvelmind Indoor Navigation System designed to provide precise (±2cm) location data to autonomous robots,
vehicles (AGV), and copters.It also used to track other objects that the mobile beacon installed on, for example,
virtual reality (VR) systems, helmets for construction workers or miners, etc.


Starter set includes 6 items: 4 stationary beacons, 1 mobile beacon and modem
Mobile and stationary beacons do not differ externally and physically

Mobile beacon

  • Installed on robot and interacts with it via UART or SPI or I2C or USB
  • Receives location update from router up to 45 times per second
  • May contain IMU (accelerometer + gyroscope + compass module)

Stationary beacon

  • Mounted on walls or ceilings
  • Measure distance to other beacons using ultrasonic pulses (time-of-flight)
  • Communicate with router wirelessly in ISM band
  • Distance between beacons-neighbors is up to 30 meters (in real life up to 30 meters)

Product Features

  • Starter Set includes: 4 stationary beacons + 1 mobile beacon + 1 modem
  • Location precision: +- 2cm
  • Beacons measure distance to other beacons using ultrasonic pulses (time-of-flight)
  • Modem is the central controller of the system, used to set up the system, monitor it, and interact with the Dashboard
  • All required SW included