Monday , March 10th 2025
    Best new deals on House of Robot Platform

From Knowing To Utlizing Arduino Kit

Product Features:

    Specifications -21 Projects: -Controlling LED by Button -Controlling LED by PWM -Interactive LED Flowing Lights -LCD1602 -Buzzer -Tilt-Switch -Answer Machine -Serial Monitor -Photoresistor -Controlling Voice by Light -Voltmeter -LM35 Temperature Sensor -One Digit 7-Segment Display -Stopwatch -RGB LED -74HC595 -Relay Module -Stepper Motor -Servo -Joystick PS2 -Infrared-Receiver What's Included…
Price as on: 2020-02-01 01:44:46

Product Description

-21 Projects:
-Controlling LED by Button
-Controlling LED by PWM
-Interactive LED Flowing Lights
-Answer Machine
-Serial Monitor
-Controlling Voice by Light
-LM35 Temperature Sensor
-One Digit 7-Segment Display
-Relay Module
-Stepper Motor
-Joystick PS2

What’s Included
-SunFounder UNO R3
-Prototype Shield
-820 Breadboard
-Red Light LED *5
-Yellow Light LED *5
-Blue Light LED *5
-Resistor 10K *5
-Resistor 1K *5
-Resistor 220R *8
-Active Buzzer
-Passive Buzzer
-1-digital 8 segment display
-4-digital 8 segment display
-Press Button *10
-Photo Resistor *3
-LM35 temperature
-Infrared receiver
-Frame sensor
-Tilt switch sensor
-Remote controller
-1602 LCD
-PS2 Joystick
-Stepper Motor
-Stepper Motor Driver Board
-Servo motor
-RGB Module
-Relay Module
-Jumper wire*30
-Dubond Wire *10
-2.54 Pin
-USB Cable
-AAA Battery Box

Product Features

  • Complete set of Arduino’s most common and useful electronic components.
  • 21 lessons for Arduino starters and enthusiasts
  • Detailed tutorial including project introduction and their source code will come with the kit
  • SunFounder UNO R3 is included