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DFRobot Cherokey: 4WD Arduino Mobile Robot (ROB0102)

Product Features:

    The Cherokey 4WD arduino mobile robot is a versatile mobile robot jeep compatible with the most popular microcontrollers like DFRduino UNO R3 - Arduino Compatible, Mega2560 (arduino microcontroller board), Romeo V2(an Arduino Robot Board (Arduino Leonardo) with Motor Driver)...etc. Cherokey embeded the L298P motor driver chip which allows to…
Price as on: 2019-09-29 15:03:10

Product Description

The Cherokey 4WD arduino mobile robot is a versatile mobile robot jeep compatible with the most popular microcontrollers like DFRduino UNO R3 – Arduino Compatible, Mega2560 (arduino microcontroller board), Romeo V2(an Arduino Robot Board (Arduino Leonardo) with Motor Driver)…etc. Cherokey embeded the L298P motor driver chip which allows to drive two 6-12V DC motors with maximum 2A current.The integrated 2 way DC motor driver and Xbee & APC220 socket allows you to start your project immediately without the need for an additional motor driver or wirless shield. The expansion plate board significantly increases the surface area of Cherokey, allowing you to easily connect a 9g micro servo or a standard sized servo in two different locations,so that you can install robotic arm or ultrasonic/ir sensors. The prototyping area make you convenient to install sensors on the robot. Double-side leaf pads solder prototyping areas in the middle can be soldered with DIP components or SMD components to extend addition function. Its high-strength aluminum alloy body material provides flexibility in rapid movement particularly in outdoor grass, gravel, sand or sloped surface. The Cherokey 4WD Mobile robot Platform is also suitable for robot competitions and research related projects.

Product Features

  • 2 channel DC motor driver
  • Solder prototyping areas
  • Standard Servo stocket
  • Mounting holes compatible with Arduino UNO,Mega,Romeo
  • Incorporates dual H-bridge for bi-directional motor control (digital pins 4,5,6,7 suggest)